Hello everybody and welcome to my page! As my first post, I wanted to start by informing everybody about the recent change in the health insurance industry that will be taking effect starting 09/01. Under new Biden administration rules  all non-marketplace plans and non employee-sponsored group plans will now have to be renewed every 3 months! If you’re someone on a short-term medical plan who doesn’t even like renewing your health insurance policy once a year, well then you won’t be happy if your policy requires being renewed every 3 months! For everybody who has purchased their Short-Term medical plan before 09/01, they won’t be required to renew their policy every 3 months until their current policy expires.

Many people are extending their current Short-Term policies to the maximum extent of 36 months to delay having the continuous renewals that will be mandatory for everybody after 09/01. If you or somebody you know doesn’t have insurance through an employer or doesn’t qualify for a marketplace subsidy then it’s important to speak to an agent now and ensure you have the right coverage in place before the new regulations set in!

For people who don’t qualify for a marketplace subsidy, they can save hundreds of dollars per month on their health insurance coverage by exploring Short Term Medical options. Short-Term medical plans have been probably the most popular substitute to people not insured through the marketplace or an employer. Some of the most common consumers purchasing Short-Term medical plans are people who missed their employer’s open enrollment window, people who missed the ACA open enrollment window, and people who aren’t eligible for a subsidy, people who can’t enroll in a marketplace plan cause they’re not a legal citizen. I know this may all sound overwhelming, but I’m available to break down healthcare options for anybody in need of assistance to ensure you find the coverage that makes the most sense for you! Everybody’s healthcare needs are different and everybody deserves help in navigating their options. Thanks for tuning in!